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Contractor Test Preparation: Online vs Attending a School: Your Best Option
Posted on June 17th, 2016

With years of experience in construction, you've learned many practices and honed many skills. What you probably haven't done since your school days is take an exam. You are determined to get your contractor's license, but the prospect of sitting down to take a test might seem a little intimidating.

Possibly even more intimidating is deciding how best to prepare for the testing:  online vs attending a school . Online might seem to be the easiest option, as you can do it at your own pace and on your own schedule. However, here are 5 reasons attending a school is the better option:

More Cost Effective

You will need to spend hundreds or possibly thousands of dollars on reference books for the testing that are not available online. When you attend Arizona Contractor License Center our team will guide you to the recommend list of books based on the subject matters covered on your exam.

Learning Your Way

Research in recent years has concluded that humans have seven basic learning styles, with each person learning best in some combination of these seven: visual, auditory, verbal, physical, logical, social and solitary. Our contractor test preparation was developed on the same learning principles. 

License Classification Assistance

Figuring out just which licenses you will need for the work you plan on doing in your company can be confusing, and state regulators are not going to help you determine that. Our licensing specialists will know exactly which testing you need and help you avoid unnecessary studying and costs.

Business Management Test Experience

Online assistance is minimal for the mandatory Business Management Test, which all Arizona licensed contractors must pass with at least a 70% score. Our school can help guide you threw the twisted world of statutes, rules, and regulations!  

Guaranteed Success

Arizona Contractor License Center guarantees you will pass the examination or we will continue to work with you until you succeed. If you are unable pass, we refund your money.

Becoming a licensed contractor is your dream.  Contact us  today to make it a reality.


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