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Become a Licensed Contractor Today!

Application Filing for a Contractor License

Arizona Contractor License Center will work with those seeking a Contractor's license in Arizona to help through the license application process. This process can be started at any time and if time is of the essence, we recommend starting now as there are multiple agencies that need to be notified prior to submitting the application. While you are preparing for your tests we can get a lot of work done on your company setup, bonds, and tax numbers.

We are the Licensing Experts

Having licensed thousands of Arizona contractors, our team of licensing specialists possess a unique knowledge of the Registrar's paperwork requirements and a proven system of checks and balances giving you the confidence that the job will be done right the first time.

We know what to look for

An incomplete application submitted to the Registrar of Contractors can slow down the licensing process considerably. Even the smallest mistake can result in a rejected application. Misplaced commas, incorrect spelling of your company name or incomplete work history can delay the issuance of your license by weeks if not months.

We walk you through the process

As with setting up your company or passing your Arizona contractors exam, filing your license application is a process. We will prepare you for the process by preparing a packet for your review and completion, working with you to review the documentation, file the necessary paperwork to the appropriate agencies and notify you upon the issuance of your license number.

To whom is the license issued?

A license may be issued to a sole proprietorship (individual), a partnership, limited liability company or a corporation. The license belongs to the business and not to the qualifying party.

Who can apply for a contractor's license?

A sole proprietorship (individual), a partnership, limited liability company, or a corporation may apply for a contractor's license if they have a regularly employed person with the necessary experience, knowledge and skills who serves as the qualifying party. All persons listed on the application must be 18 years of age or older. A corporation or limited liability company must be registered with the Arizona Corporation Commission and in good standing with that agency before submitting an application for a contractor's license. The corporation or limited liability company must remain in good standing in order to renew their contractor's license.

Who is responsible for contracting activities?

All persons listed on the license are responsible for the contracting activities of the business. "Person" means a qualifying party, an owner, any partner of a partnership, all members of a limited liability company, and any officer, director or owner of 25 percent or more of the stock of a corporation.

Who must be licensed as a contractor?

Any business which contracts or offers to contract to build, alter, repair, add to, subtract from, improve, move, wreck or demolish any building, highway, road, railroad, excavation or other structure, development or improvement, or to do any part of the work must be a licensed contractor. Also included in work requiring a license is the erection of scaffolding, connections to utility service lines, metering devices and sewer lines, mechanical or structural service to a structure or improvement and any other work in connection with the project. "Contractor" includes subcontractors, floor covering contractors, hardscape contractors and consultants representing themselves as having the ability to supervise or manage a construction project for the benefit of the property owner. Supervision or management includes hiring and firing of specialty contractors, scheduling of work on the project, and selection and purchasing of construction material. Contractors must be properly licensed before submitting bids.